August 13, 2010 — WASHINGTON (Source: BusinessWire) — The United States Magnet Materials Association (“USMMA”) today announced the addition of Arnold Magnetic Technologies, Great Western Technologies Inc., and Lynas Corporation, Ltd. (ASX: LYC) as members of the comprehensive rare earth industry collaboration. The move increases the association’s core membership to seven, innovative companies.
Arnold specializes in the production of a wide range of high-performance soft and permanent specialty magnets. Great Western Technologies is a leading producer in North America for rare earth materials, powders, and custom vacuum-grade specialty alloys. Lynas Corporation has developed a mine at its rich deposit of rare earths at Mt. Weld in Western Australia.
“With Arnold’s, Great Western’s, and Lynas’ addition to this collaboration, USMMA is now vertically integrated to provide complete mine-to-magnets solutions to rare earth material needs,” said USMMA President Ed Richardson, Vice President of USMMA founding partner Thomas & Skinner. “Together, we are set to foster the development of a new rare earth materials supply chain independent from current Chinese dominance.”
With its expanded membership roll, USMMA is now able to provide:
1.retrievable and highly usable rare earth elements from reliable domestic and ally-nation property holdings,
metal manufacturing operations able to turn rare earth element material
into usable metal products and alloys for domestic magnet production
and other manufacturing purposes, and
3.high performance magnet
products that are critical to a wide variety of commercial products,
hybrid vehicles, wind turbines, other renewable energy applications, and
national security systems.
Before USMMA’s establishment, the United
States had few options except virtually total reliance upon a
Chinese-dominated supply chain of rare earth materials, elements
essential to numerous renewable energy and defense systems including
wind turbines, hybrid-electric batteries, computer hard drives and
precision-guided munitions. China currently provides over 97% of the
world’s rare earth raw materials and dominates the world’s rare earth
refining, alloying and manufacturing.
In an April 2010 report to Congress pushed by USMMA, the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) warned of an impending rare earths crisis, especially as it relates to homeland security and the national defense.
In its report, GAO confirmed:
•That while rare earth deposits are geographically diverse, the
United States relies on Chinese sources for finished rare earth
•That while the United States once dominated all stages
of the rare earth supply chain, most current processing is performed in
China, giving it dominance in worldwide supply and pricing;
rebuilding of a competitive domestic supply chain could take up to 15
years and will require significant capital investment and new technology
•The Department of Defense is currently evaluating the
dependence of multiple defense systems and components on rare earth
materials provided by lower tier foreign suppliers;
•These defense
systems and components will continue to rely on these foreign sources
based on their life cycles and lack of effective substitutes; and
anticipation of these identified supply risks, some defense contractors
and government agencies have begun taking initial steps to limit this
dependence on unreliable foreign suppliers or to expand the existing
supplier base.
USMMA also supports legislation introduced in both
the House (H.R. 4866) and Senate (S. 3521) that would reestablish
competitive domestic rare earths mineral production, processing,
refining, purification, and metals production industries to support the
growth of green job technology and manufacturing as well as the nation’s
defense industry.
The Rare Earth Supply-Chain Technology and Resource Transformation (RESTART) Act of 2010, would create a “whole-of-government” approach involving the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Energy, State, and Defense, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Executive Office of the President. The bill builds upon several elements of USMMA’s platform for resolving the Rare Earth Elements (REE) supply crisis.
USMMA was founded in 2006 by magnet manufacturers Thomas & Skinner, Inc. of Indianapolis, Indiana; Hoosier Magnetics of Ogdensburg, New York; and Electron Energy Corporation of Landisville, Pennsylvania, to advocate on behalf of the specialty metals clause found at 10 U.S.C. 2533b. U.S. Rare Earths, Inc. joined in 2009 to expand the group’s focus to support the reintroduction of a competitive rare earth supply chain in the United States.
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